Glimmer, Shimmer
I went to Bintan over the weekend with my family. We had all never been there before, so winning a complimentary 2 day 1 night stay in one of the resorts was sweet and a real motivation to visit the famous island.
My sis makes great company if only because we understand each other's humour very well. To note: upon arrival at the resort, she spotted a dead white koi fish in the pond and pointed it out to me. We had a laugh about it with me commenting on it being the first koi I saw dead. But, this did not cast a pall over the trip. Still I love koi! They are very slender, with glimmering scales, and look positively inedible.
After checking into the hotel rooms, we happy folks trudged down to the beach. Oh it is amazing how vast and powerful and beautiful
God's creation is! The rocks sat heavily, one atop the other, and faced the sea, solidly, like an army battalion. The soft beige of the sand, the sky with its cottony clouds, the sea heightening the sky's colour in even more lucid, glorious tones, and the shawls of green (even though we are wont to say eeuw to algae) which clothe the rocks are so becoming... I digress. There are many things words can describe but never fully express. The awe and splendour one experiences when you see such beauty is one such thing.
Anyway, back to writing lux. I was happily walking into the forthcoming waves, seeing the seaweed sway around my ankles and feeling the tropical breeze brush my skin when, lo and behold! Mozzie comes! One humongous Indonesian mosquito comes and attacks me. Apparently it is so big and heavy that it is less agile than its Singaporean counterparts. This also points out why it was less effective in getting a good long drink out of me. Despite all this it managed to prick my skin twice, prick because you can literally see the mark its straw left on my skin. Looking at it now, it looks like the size of the small moles on my skin. Thankfully it is not itchy although at that time I was wailing to my fellow happy folks how painful it was. Blood was also flowing out of the marks. Serious. These mozzies are vicious.
So we fled the beach for that time and proceeded to the pool. We caught a dad teaching his young ones how to swim. He told the girl - You have to jab at the water surface and not use your palms to slap down, otherwise you'll waste more energy. Then he proceeded to jab with much vigour. He told his younger boy - (who was learning the front crawl) Use your legs to draw a figure 8. At first me and my sis thought it was each foot drawing an 8, which didn't make sense and looked absolutely atrocious when I attempted it. Then we realised he referred to using both legs to draw the 8 at the same time.
The place was peaceful. We slowed down to allow time to take its course. We watched these small birds, which were flying back to their home on the ledges of the hotel building, move with such velocity and flapping their wings so fast that it became a mini sight and sound performance for us. Dinner took over an hour. Such a pleasure, if you ever sat in for our weekday dinners which we go through with such efficiency you wonder if our stomachs can catch up with our mouths and minds.
The best part was spent admiring this little water body that breaks off from the sea and carves an arc through the sand. I do not know how better to describe it so a picture shall do the speaking. Me and my sis proceeded to step into the waters, lured by the appearance of small fishes with gleaming bodies. It was rather scary because the sand was so soft that it would push away with each footstep that falls. Now I know why they say quicksand... So we navigated our way through the narrow stream, watching the water level rise to brush the leg of our shorts, and seeing fishes weave in and out of logs and legs. We tried to catch fish but they slipped right through our fingers.
Then it was time to head back. We went back to the koi pond and saw the dead white koi was scooped out. A turn to the water installation nearby and we saw a lizard at least 45cm long was disappearing into the crevices of the wall of rocks. And it all seemed to conclude our visit - the awesome face of nature in the midst of human creation. Who is the winner?
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